Pet-Proofing the couch
Like some I have a specific need to pet-proof my couch. I am a foster parent for cats in need of adoption. These cats tend to get conflicted on where they should do their business. Sometimes they are trying to send a message like all cats, and sometimes they just aren't getting it. It's also well known that sick cats tend to go in abnormal places, pretty much anywhere but the litter box. Going in abnormal places is not too much of a big deal, but it really depends on where that place is. Certain places like the bed and couch can be devastating when you later realize how difficult it will be to clean this mess. For beds, most people know you can get the plastic sheets at wal-mart or target. But for couches, its a little different. You can enclose them in the plastic couch "protectors", but most people (like me) think those are overkill, ugly, and uncomfortable. so after my last "incident" with my latest foster cat, i realized this is just going...