
Showing posts from 2016

NeoBracelet by the Brain

I've been dreaming of a reasonable way to make a bracelet full of neopixels for a while now.  I finally realized a way to do it so I will share my process with the world.  I only made my own random blinking code so if anyone would like to write custom code for a nice animation or another neat idea, please send me a message on g+. This project takes a normal bracelet and basically makes it "taller" by stacking items on top.  So the final product is going to look a tad more beefy compared to most bracelets.   But with the batteries I used, it should stay powered on for at least 8 hours. This project was featured on Adafruit's blog .  Obligatory Disclaimer : While I shouldn't have to say this anyway....I am not responsible for anything you do.  I don't care if you burn your house down or worse.  This information is for educational purposes only and you are responsible for your own actions. Physical Warning : This task does involve some s...

Studying for CCSA or CCSE

Short answer: don't. Talk to people who have taken the test lately before you do.  Checkpoint publicly states their exams consist of 70% book material and 30% off-book material.  The off-book material are simply things you should somehow know before taking the test after having learned about it being a full time Checkpoint firewall administrator. Checkpoint, in their infinite wisdom, has decided that their certification exams should test the applicant on common knowledge of the operating system that is not included in the study material.  This common knowledge is determined by a panel of highly experienced Checkpoint system administrators. So the topics this particular group of admins feel you should know is what you are expected to know for the exam.   But the 30% of innate experience they expect you to have is completely subjective but still assumes everyone has the same network environment and firewall policies.  This simply is not the case.   Smal...