
Showing posts from December, 2019

Camera Location Privacy with iPhones

If you use an iPhone, you likely have some idea as to how your privacy can be violated given that Apple has ties with phone carriers.  Plus other apps like Facebook will try look at everything on your phone to which they can obtain access. But many people have no idea just how dangerous this can be.  Let me demonstrate. Here I am parked at the dentist and I took a quick photo of a lovely wall. Nothing inherently dangerous here.  Nothing obvious anyway. But if I go to my phone and open the Photos app to view the photo, it paints a larger picture. Here, I clicked on the photo to view it full screen, then swiped the screen upwards and look what it has for me... The camera had full access to my location data because (like most people) I just said ALLOW when it asked because I had no idea what it needed it for. If I click on that map, it opens Apple Maps to let me see exactly  where I was. So what does that matter?  Nobody has this photo but me....