
Camera Location Privacy with iPhones

If you use an iPhone, you likely have some idea as to how your privacy can be violated given that Apple has ties with phone carriers.  Plus other apps like Facebook will try look at everything on your phone to which they can obtain access. But many people have no idea just how dangerous this can be.  Let me demonstrate. Here I am parked at the dentist and I took a quick photo of a lovely wall. Nothing inherently dangerous here.  Nothing obvious anyway. But if I go to my phone and open the Photos app to view the photo, it paints a larger picture. Here, I clicked on the photo to view it full screen, then swiped the screen upwards and look what it has for me... The camera had full access to my location data because (like most people) I just said ALLOW when it asked because I had no idea what it needed it for. If I click on that map, it opens Apple Maps to let me see exactly  where I was. So what does that matter?  Nobody has this photo but me.    Well if you share pho

Flashing Firmware to Creality CR-10 S5

There are plenty of firmware flashing guides out there for CR-10 models, but not yet a lot for the CR-10 S5 model.  So I had to figure out how to flash the firmware based on what was available for other models. To  understand what is required, please refer to this video.  It has all of the major steps needed. This post is not meant as a full guide.  It's merely supplemental information that applies to the video below meant for the S5 model's of the CR-10 series. So the basic idea is the CR-10's do NOT have a bootloader installed by default.  So in order to flash the firmware, you first have to burn the bootloader.  This can be done via an arduino because the CR-10's all use an arduino as their main processor. The CR-10 normally has a jumper to switch to USB power.  the S5 does not have this.  You can just disconnect the 120/240v power and plug in the USB cable and it will power the S5 board.   You wil need the boar

NeoBracelet v3.0 by the Brain

This is a continuation of my original post which (back then) was just a proof of concept.  Over the years I have improved the design and now I've come to a version that I use often and has proven to be very durable and reliable. This project is worthwhile but is not at all easy.  The circuit board construction is extremely difficult to achieve without error and still maintain a compact design.  A small mistake can ruin most or all of your work. Obligatory Disclaimer : While I shouldn't have to say this anyway....I am not responsible for anything you do.  I don't care if you burn your house down or worse.  This information is for educational purposes only and you are responsible for your own actions. Physical Warning : This task does involve some soldering.  If you have no desire to do that, then you can find someone that knows how to solder or just go do a different project.  You can always locate your nearest Hackerspace and there should be plenty of

It's Just A Gym Membership, A Car, & Lunch

I've grown to hate the idea of "online dating" because over the years I've learned a thing or nine about the industry.  Put aside the "fake" people that use and abuse the service for their own interests, just focus on the fake that is the sites themselves.  First, these sites are never comprised of "millions of members".   They are, but not in any way they are claiming.  The millions of members is split between the hundreds of other dating sites that company owns but you aren't intentionally using.    So dating site XYZ is feeding into a master database that supplies profiles for many other sites you are not using.  Sites you may not even want to be included in, but you are.   So you sign up for site XYZ, but you are unknowingly included in many other singles sites. Next the sites don't decommission or age-out their profiles.  Unless you go back and delete your profile, which no one ever does, your profile with images and info stays

The Brain Diet

The following is MY DIET routine that has helped me successfully lose weight multiple times in my life.   I do not use weight loss supplements and I firmly believe only diet and exercise are the best and safest way to lose weight.  I also believe most supplements (in the long run) will only damage your body in some unexpected way and it's just not worth it.   While most people want immediate results, know that the quicker you lose weight, the easier it is to re-gain.  Take your weight loss slow and steady and it will stay off for a longer period of time.  . DISCLAIMER : I don't care what you do to yourself, this is just a guide on how I did it and it is NOT meant as a specific guide for anyone else.  It is up to you to customize your own diet to fit your needs.  You should consult your doctor if you are not sure.   . My shopping list: Skinless Chicken Diet Soda Crystal Light Water bottles Beef/Turkey Jerky Vegetables (frozen or fresh) Salad Mix & Light Dressi